Our Cats To Sponsor

$50 Sponsorship

Sponsoring a cat at Bear Den Cat Sanctuary for just $50 a month is an extraordinary act of compassion. Your monthly sponsorship includes an automatic sponsorship donation, charged to your preferred payment method, and it covers comprehensive cat care for the entire month for one of our cat residents!

Your monthly sponsorship not only guarantees that we can continue to care for our residents with the love and attention they deserve but also allows us to welcome more cats in need into our sanctuary. This is what it intails:


A Loving Home

Medical Care

Social Interaction

Our dedicated team of paid staff and volunteers ensures that our feline residents are not only well-fed and healthy but also mentally engaged through daily playtime.

Receive Quarterly Updates

For just $50 a month, you can choose to virtually sponsor one of our adorable cat residents. As a virtual sponsor, you’ll receive quarterly updates on your chosen cat, allowing you to witness their progress and well-being.

Sponsorship As A Gift

Monthly sponsorship isn’t just an incredible gesture; it’s also a thoughtful gift for the animal lover in your life who already has everything they need. To become a monthly sponsor, simply click the “Sponsor” button and, in the notes section, let us know which cat you’d like to virtually adopt.

Join Us

Your sponsorship is a beacon of hope, a lifeline to homeless cats, and a testament to your unwavering commitment to making a difference in their lives. Join us in this journey today and be the change these cats deserve.

Meet The Residents of Bear Den Sanctuary

These cats have stories etched with resilience, tales of survival, courage in the face of adversity, and an enduring yearning for love and security. Your sponsorship rewrites their stories with chapters filled with hope, happiness, and healing, creating a legacy of compassion and change.

Your support is more than just a monthly gift; it’s a heartfelt connection, a lifeline for these cats, and a powerful testament to your unwavering commitment to making a difference. Sponsoring a cat today can be a beacon of light in their lives.



This sweet girl is a fan favorite of the sanctuary. Helen was found with her sister Lola under a pile of brush in the woods, thought to be dead. Although Helen was very much alive, vets believe that she has a condition called cerebellar hypoplasia. Because of this, Helen is unable to walk right. But, that doesn’t stop Helen! Helen can still do all the other things normal cats can do, it just takes her a little bit longer.


Tabitha is a female orange tabby with orange eyes. Even though Tabitha typically only makes an appearance for breakfast and dinner, we still look forward to seeing her every day. She loves to welcome new friends whenever she can find time in her busy schedule.



Fiona was found abandoned by a dumpster in San Antonio. This sweet girl is one of our only long-haired cats in the sanctuary. Because it’s so hot, she tends to spend her days inside or lounging under a tree. She is very friendly and loves any attention she can get!



Allen was found in Hondo, Texas with his brother, Hondo. Allen has alopecia that is currently being treated. Despite that, Allen is an incredibly loving cat who loves to play with his brother and all his new friends. He loves to greet guests of the sanctuary and especially loves dogs.



Carol was found at Home Depot and had clearly been dumped. She is a friendly cat who spends most of her time lounging on the back deck or under a shady tree. Carol enjoys meeting new people and loves to chase bugs.



Lola and her sister Helen were found under a pile of brush in the woods and were thought to be dead. Luckily, both Helen and Lola were very much alive. After lots of nursing and cuddles, Lola became the sweet, loving kitty that she is today. Lola’s favorite thing to do is sleep right next to your face, purring so loud it’ll keep you up all night!



Hondo was found in Hondo, Texas with his brother Allen. His favorite thing to do is play with his brother and all the other kitties. Hondo loves to spend the day outside and loves to meet new people.



Sean was found in an apartment complex in Northern San Antonio and is one of our most recent additions to the sanctuary. Sean is currently getting used to the new environment in one of our welcome kennels, where he will stay for a couple weeks until he is released to roam on the sanctuary. Sean is a bit skittish, but we are hoping with time he will warm up. More updates to come!



This sweet boy was abandoned at a Walmart. When we first got him he was so scared that he scratched up my entire arm. Now that he has adapted to his forever home, he is one of the sweetest, gentlest, kindest cats in the sanctuary. Seeing how far he has come makes us so happy.



Another one of our ferals. Harry was left at a dumpster behind HEB by his previous owners, and has since been very wary to trust people. That being said, he still likes to watch things from a distance and play with the other cats. Harry has warmed up a bit over time, so we are hopeful that with a lot of love and treats we can earn his trust.



Moose is one of our feral cats, meaning she is scared of people and only lets sanctuary staff that have been around her for a while get near her. Moose was found at an Academy when she was a kitten and has been with us since.



The alpha cat of the sanctuary. Weighing in at a whopping 19 pounds, Henry is our largest cat at the moment. Henry is a friendly boy who likes to spend his days lounging in the sun and eating lots of treats.

Even though he’s very personable, Henry does not appreciate when other cats get in the way of his food. Henry loves to welcome new guests to the sanctuary and likes to clean new foster kittens himself!



Wheezy’s story- Wheezy came to bear Den Sanctuary from a little old lady on a farm in south Texas. People have been dumping cats on her property for as long as she can remember. Bear Den Sanctuary stepped in to help by taking 15 of her least adoptable cats. Wheezy is one of them.

Wheezy is approximately 10 years old and arrived at BDS with a compromised immune system. She’s had numerous visits to our low-cost vet for antibiotic and steroid injections and special nutrition prescriptive cat food. Wheezy has a sweet personality despite a challenging life being unwanted and eventually dumped on a farm in Crosby.

We are asking for donations to help provide Wheezy and other cats in our care with reasonable veterinary care for a higher quality of life.



Also known as Bobby Bojangles! Bobby was brought to us Christmas morning after being dumped in a parking lot. Bobby loves to play outside and come inside for some cuddles. She is a sweet kitty who gets along with pretty much everyone.



Lulu was found as an abandoned kitten and is one of our few long-haired cats on the property. She spends most of her time climbing trees and chasing bugs, but makes sure to never miss breakfast or dinner. Lulu is very affectionate and has adapted very well to her life on the sanctuary.



Snowball’s story- he’s a ham who LOVES posing for the camera. He’s one of four siblings who came into our care last November after being endangered by humans who threatened to harm him and his feline family.

Thankfully, Snowball is THRIVING at Bear Den Sanctuary. He’s still tightly bonded with his sibling crew and often takes it upon himself to supervise our dedicated volunteers and welcome new cats – a true feline overseer! Snowball captures the hearts of everyone who visits the Sanctuary.

With his striking white coat, he’s usually the first cat you’ll spot, and his adorable personality, characterized by the “look but don’t touch” rule, is undeniable. Snowball’s story is a testament to the impact of our mission. We’re here to provide a safe haven for unadoptable and feral cats facing threats and harm from humans, ensuring they lead fulfilling lives. Together, we’re making a difference, one cat at a time.



Story of Kisha -was rescued from the kill list at ACS. She was listed as feral but come to find out she was only scared. Happy to report Kisha has a second chance at life at Bear Den Sanctuary.



Story of Moo – he was found with other unfixed cats as part of a large colony in the Stone Oak area. Moo and six other colony members were taken into the Sanctuary as their forever home because they were in a particularly dangerous situation, near a very busy street. They’re living the life at the Sanctuary now and Moo has remained close with his colony mates and has even made some new feline friends.

Ultimately, while each cat’s story might be different – our goal remains the same: to end the suffering of homeless cats. We are careful in deciding what’s best in each particular situation. We know Moo is happy to be here and we’re confident that as we continue to TNR the other cats in the colony, they will live safer, happier, and healthier lives too.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to these efforts as we continue to support Moo and his colony’s well-being! We couldn’t do this important work without you.

Dexter – Medical Needs

Dexter is a true ray of sunshine! He’s the most affectionate and loving cat with an unfortunate chronic skin condition that causes hair loss, itching, and sores. We’re calling on you to help us raise funds to cover the cost of his ongoing medical care.
We are so happy that we were able to pull Dexter from the kill list at ACS because he’s a resilient little guy with a strong will to live and love. He’s now in the loving care of his new forever home, Bear Den Sanctuary, where we’re dedicated to providing him with the ongoing medical attention he needs.
Despite his skin condition, Dexter remains as playful, loving, and energetic as any other cat, and we’re here to make sure he feels and looks just as good as he acts!
So far we have spent around $400 on his medical care, and he requires continued vet visits, topical & oral medication, and special food. Help us support Dexter’s ongoing medical care. Your contribution means the world to him and to us.
Donate today – any amount helps!

Mr. Black


Mr. Black was brought to us by a lovely lady who is involved in Cat Rescue herself.  She traps, spays/neuters and rehomes homeless cats in her neighborhood. 

Mr. Black turned out to not be suitable to be a house cat because he is more fearful of people.  Mr. Black has the space at the Sanctuary to live on his own terms.



Sundial is a strikingly beautiful cat.  You can spot Sundial’s beautiful orange coat from almost anywhere on the property.  Sundial is one of the cool kids making himself at home at all of the different feeding sites. 

He’s not likely to let you pet him but he’s a fan of being admired from a distance.



Boots was trapped at a large shopping center where he was at risk every day of being run over in the busy parking lot.  Boots has a funny personality…peering into doorways always curious of his surroundings but not trusting enough to get too close. 

Boots has a tight-knit circle of feline friends all from different rescued sites.



Coconut is a beauty!  If you are lucky enough for her to allow you to pet her, you’ll first notice how soft and silky her fur feels.  Her markings are unique and striking and her meow is a quiet squeak with a pause. 

I’ve never met a cat quite like Coconut.  She is a semi-feral princess.



Toothless was trapped in the parking lot of a local bank.  He too can be spotted from a distance with his huge, fluffy pure black coat and beaming yellow eyes. 

While Toothless may appear intimidating, he has a kind and patient demeanor.  He waits for other cats to eat before taking his turn.  Toothless is a gentle giant. 



Pierre is a distinguished French gentleman.  He is one of the friendlier cats at the Sanctuary once he warms up to you.  He is one of the 15 cats we took in from an older lady in Crosby, Texas who took in cats that were dumped on her property and had them fixed. 

Pierre would make a wonderful house cat if someone is looking to adopt a sweet, adult feline.



Ralphie has such a fun, playful personality.  He was found by a feral cat colony feeder in San Antonio.  She thinks a litter of kittens was dumped near her feeding station because he is so friendly. 

She brought him to the Sanctuary for me to have fixed and adopt out.  Though he is absolutely friendly enough to be adopted out, he makes such a great Sanctuary cat. 

He loves running about the property and socializes with all the other cats.  Ralphie is an amiable fella and such a delight to have on-site to greet guests and incoming cats.



Solovino was pulled from the kill list at ACS in San Antonio.  His soulful eyes make one wonder what transpired in his history. 

Solovino appears to be part Maine Coon with his extra-large paws and woolie mammoth-like curly fur.  He has a chronic skin condition that is treated regularly with Revolution Plus topical medication. 

Solovino enjoys moderate attention from visitors and guests.  He is a sweet, older cat who spends much of his time napping in the various nooks and crannies of the Sanctuary.



Chloe was trapped at a busy shopping center in San Antonio where more than 70 cats live.  We couldn’t bring every one of these cats to the Sanctuary but Bear Den Sanctuary is funding the spaying and neutering of every single cat at the shopping center where Chloe was found. 

Chloe is strikingly beautiful and has a tendency to be friendly on her own terms.  She has chronic immune issues that keep her rather sickly and require occasional trips to our local vet.

We provide Chloe and all the cats in our care with proper daily nutrition and probiotics to help enhance and maintain their immune systems.




Bebe was thrown out of a car near in San Antonio.  A lady who owns a pet food store picked her up and took her to the vet for a broken jaw. 

Once healed, the lady planned to let Bebe live as a store cat in a pet food store…what a dream for cats!  However, Bebe let it be known that she prefers her independence and solitude over human attention and affection. 

Bebe is now living her independent life at the Sanctuary, and every so often a very nice pet food store owner sends cat food to Bebe and all of the other rescues in our care.

Little Old Lady


Little Old Lady was pulled from the kill list at ACS in San Antonio.  Sadly she was an owner surrender. 

Many cats we pull from ACS are older and/or have medical needs that their previous owners say they cannot care for. 

Little Old Lady is 16 years old and has remarkable energy for an elderly gal.  She is sweet and affectionate and loves to be held and petted.



Cheeto was found as a kitten when his mother gave birth in a commercial building.  Cheeto and a sibling slid down the wall and workers had to cut sheet rock to pull Cheeto out. 

He is a lively cat with a lot of energy and will fight the others for wet food.  Cheeto is very loving and sweet to people.  He is kind of like the original Garfield cartoon cat: he eats and sleeps on repeat.



Wolfie came to live at Bear Den Sanctuary with his 3 siblings when their mother was injured and taken in by ACS but not returned. 

We suspect her injuries proved to be critical.  Bear Den Sanctuary took in all 4 kittens and raised them from the time they were weaned.  Wolfie is playful and an excellent athlete. 

When volunteers come out to play and socialize the cats, Wolfie will be the first one out ready to jump and chase cat teaser toys all day long.

Charlie Chaplan


Charlie Chaplin is actually a female cat.  She has a cute mustache marking that makes her easily identifiable at the Sanctuary. 

Chaplin is FIV + which makes her a bit more challenging to put into a home.  She was brought to the Sanctuary along with 2 other female cats, 2 males and 9 kittens all unfixed from a lady in downtown San Antonio who refused to fix her cats. 

We took them in, got them all spayed and neutered and vaccinated.  All were adopted out to loving homes except sweet Chaplin because she is FIV+.  She would make a wonderful only cat for someone special. 



Lydia is a beautiful blue-eyed fluffy cat. Some visitors say they think she is part Ragdoll.  Lydia was found on the streets when another Rescue took her in and tried to adopt her out.  They thought she would find a new home quickly because of her beauty.  However, Lydia is not trustful of people so she was terribly scared at the adoption center. 

Luckily, this Rescue group traded Lydia to the Sanctuary in exchange for 3 of the friendly kittens we took in and found them forever homes.  Now Lydia has a forever home at Bear Den Sanctuary and is able to maintain peace and solitude away from people.



Pumpkin was found in a bank parking lot by a trapper from the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition.  She was deemed unadoptable due to her fearful nature so she was brought to Bear Den Sanctuary. 

Slowly Pumpkin is learning to trust people and she has made numerous friends on the property. 




Willow is a sassy gal.  She was trapped with her 3 siblings who also live at Bear Den Sanctuary from a neighborhood in Olmos Park. 

Willow is a spunky cat who likes to play with other cats but keeps her distance from people.  She has found her ‘hood at the back of the property where the more reserved cats gather. 

Willow is a beautiful cat and always shows up at mealtimes.

Kitty #2


Kitty #2 is what she was called at ACS in San Antonio when she was on the kill list. 

We pulled her and her sibling Kitty #4 on the day they were to be euthanized. 

Kitty #2 has chronic pulmonary issues.  If you are near her, you will likely hear her before you see her.  Her wheezing is hard to miss but she is friendly, affectionate, and has a beautiful will to live.

Kitty #4


Kitty #4 is what he was called at ACS in San Antonio when he was on the kill list. 

We pulled him and his sibling Kitty #2 on the day they were to be euthanized. 

Kitty #4 has some ocular issues that cause him to be slightly cross-eyed and has allergies that cause his eyes to water.  He is a social cat and loves to be around people and other cats. 

He’ll likely follow you from feeding station to feeding station to get a little extra attention.



Hank is a large Siamese cat brought to us by a little old lady in Crosby, Texas.  People kept dumping cats on to her property and she would get them fixed and feed them. 

She became increasingly worried that she would not be around long enough to continue to care for the cats so Bear Den Sanctuary took in 15 of her cats.

Hank is cautiously friendly and loves to be petted once he gets to know you.



Frank is named after Frank Sinatra because of his big, beautiful blue eyes. 

Frank is a large Siamese cat brought to us by a little old lady in Crosby, Texas.  People kept dumping cats onto her property and she would get them fixed and feed them. 

She became increasingly worried that she would not be around long enough to continue to care for the cats so Bear Den Sanctuary took in 15 of her cats. 

Frank is one of many cats on the property who prefers to keep his distance.  He is sweet but fearful of people.



Callie was brought to us by a woman in Houston who cared for her as an outdoor cat.  When the woman moved from Houston, she asked Bear Den Sanctuary to take in Callie as she was fearful for the cat’s future with her caretaker gone. 

Callie is timid and shy.  For the first several months of living on the property, she was rarely seen. 

Gradually Callie has gained enough trust to show herself.  She does not want to be loved on or petted but when you speak her name, she looks up at you with her sweet eyes.



Cooper was thrown out of a car in Laredo, Texas.  A Good Samaritan picked him up and took him to the vet.  He had  head and mouth injuries. 

After nursing Cooper back to health, the woman brought him to Bear Den Sanctuary. 

While Cooper is such a sweetheart and loves to be held and cuddled, he has chronic medical issues due to the physical trauma he endured.  We are so grateful for kind-hearted people who help cats in emergency situations.



Elvis was being fed at an apartment complex in South Texas.  He is FIV+ and somewhat distrustful of people so he was deemed unadaptable. 

When the woman left town, she did not do what many people do and leave the cat behind.  She reached out to numerous Rescue groups to take him in until Bear Den Sanctuary said yes. 

Elvis is able to have his space to experience the peace and quiet he prefers.



Hops showed up at the Sanctuary from a neighboring property.  She hops because part of her rear paw is missing from being caught in an inhumane animal trap that cut off part of her paw. 

After having the vet assess the paw, we found that while not operable, the cat can maneuver quite well so she lives her life safe from fear of predators at the Cat Ranch.

Black Charlie


Black Charlie came in with his 3 siblings when their mother was injured and taken in by ACS but not returned.  Bear Den Sanctuary took in all 4 kittens and raised them from the time they were weaned. 

Black cats tend to be a little more difficult to adopt out and Charlie has a bit of a quirky personality.  So we kept Charlie and his brother Wolfie and adopted out their sweet sisters Fortie (the Tortie) and Annie once they were fixed.



Found on the streets of SA with a broken tail. Had a partial amputation and is now thriving at BDS.



Someone tied a firecracker to his neck. When the firecracker went off, it blew a hole in his neck and torso. A kind lady cared for Jerry through his recovery. Now he is a little timid, understandably so, but very sweet and loving his best life at BDS.

Walter – Medical Needs


He has stomatitis and has had all his teeth removed.  He is sweet and loving cat pulled from the euthanasia list at ACS.



Sally was shot with a gun while running away that required extensive vaginal/bladder repair during her spay surgery.

Hanawalt Ferals


Happy Updates


Stella was pulled from the kill list at ACS. She’s an owner surrender. We consider her a hospice cat because she has a chronic and terminal condition called stomatitis.

She receives a steroid injection every few weeks at the low-cost vet to keep her comfortable. Stella has no teeth and is one of the most affectionate cats at the Bear Den.

She has recently been adopted by one of our volunteers who fell in love with her and wants the best for her. 

We couldn’t be more excited that Stella has a loving home for her remaining time.