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In Memoriam – Tom

May 2, 2024

I’m sitting with a cat who will be euthanized today. He arrived at the Sanctuary only last night. I named him Tom. Tom is skin and bones. He struggles to walk and is covered in fleas. He loves being pet and brushed. Last night he ate a bit of wet food yet this morning he has no appetite. He is moaning in pain. It’s time to set him free of his mortal coil. I’ve been with many cats when they’ve passed and it doesn’t get easier.

This situation with Tom has me even more distressed. Tom represents one of the many “it’s not mine” cat tragedies that exist globally. Tom was found at a church. A lady saw him and brought him to me. That’s nice and sweet.

But then I heard the backstory:

The lady saw Tom on Sunday morning, pet him, took his picture and went off to lunch. In the afternoon she sent his picture and told me how terrible this sweet cat looks, asking is there anything we can do? I said yes please bring him to me immediately. Oh, today? She asked. Yes please, as soon as possible. Oh, ok..let me go back and see if I can find him. In asking around, members of her church including her husband have seen Tom wandering around the church for weeks.

Tom is sweet, loving and can be picked up…yet all this time, no one did. It made me wonder, what are we learning in church. Didn’t Jesus say to care for the orphans and poor? To take in the sick and the suffering? Yet for weeks and maybe longer this sweet, gentle cat in dire need of medical care was ignored and neglected outside the doors of a church.

Now, all I can do is hold this cat in my lap, brush him while he purrs, and type this  memorial of gentle Tom.

Today is his last day here.

Today he will take his last breath.

The world and the church failed this creature God created. I think we all may be more sinners than saints.

Rest In peace, sweet Tom. Fly high with the angels. You deserved better.